4.873 Miles

Das bin ich


My name is Jens. I am born in July 1st, 1992.

I generally am a friendly and polite guy enjoying quiet activities such as drawing, reading or cooking with friends. I prefer deep conversations instead of small talk and a few best friends instead of many buddies. It is important for me to live in a harmonious setting.

It makes me happy to help others so I was the representative for all trainees during my apprenticeship. In connection with that I was a member of the employee organisation for caring about my co-trainees and being the contact person for their problems. I also am a member of the local pound where I lived. I supported them and walked the stray dogs as often as possible.

But I also love quite the opposite like driving go-kart, any sporty activities and experiencing adventures with my friends. Sometimes it ends in activities like building a makeshift tent in a park to participate in a regatta in a foreign city or making a fire on top of a mountain eating soup out of a loaf of bread watching the New Year’s firework.

Family is very important for me, too. I live in a typical Patchwork-Family. I have grown up with my mum, my stepfather and my two sisters and visit my father and his new wife regularly. I moved out when I was 19 and try to see them as often as possible.

I am very happy to have a great relationship to my sisters. On the one hand my older sister and I are inseparable and trusted so we understand us without any words. On the other hand I am the typical big brother for my little sister. I sometimes tease her ending in big laughter, but I always feel responsible for her, am available whenever she needs me and protect her from anything.

Spending time with both of them always ends in a great and really funny time.

I also get along very well with my parents. They are the reason why I am who I am: Honest, diligent and gentle. I am extremely thankful for everything they made for me and always try to give something back.

When I’m not working or designing something I spend a lot of my free time drawing portraits for many hours, painting on canvas or trying new techniques and materials. I have learnt a lot by myself and can use my experiences and self-taught methods now. I also want to share it with others and help them to improve their talent. I realized a project with artists throughout Germany to improve everyone’s personal style and I taught my co-students in a course for tips and tricks in drawing a few times last year.

I also love sport. I tried different styles like football, kick-boxing, climbing and athletics. I like to burn off my energy to the limit and vanquish myself. I learn about me working out alone or with my friends in team sports.

Cooking is one of my favourite hobbies, too. It’s absolutely amazing to experiment with different cooking techniques and ingredients. It is also a great activity to meet friends. We try new starred chefs‘ recipes to improve ourselves in challenges.

I also spend lots of time with my friends for other activities. We go camping, make some hiking excursions or try new adventures such as the already mentioned regatta. It always ends in very funny anecdotes. I also am a total movie and series fan and can share that with them.

© 2025 4.873 Miles

Thema von Anders Norén